“Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.”
~Luke 22:42 (NKJV)
There are many times when I have been guilty of asking for God's direction in my life solely out of fear of making the wrong decision (and reaping the consequences of that decision), or out of a self-interested desire to succeed or "be blessed." Now some may be scratching their head right now asking, "Well what's so bad about that?" Maybe nothing. Even Jesus prayed to be released from what He knew was coming. But even in that, our prayers, like His, must be fueled not by fear or self interest, but by Faith. Hence His use of the word, "nevertheless."
The Lord desires that we grow into a love and loyalty relationship with Him that causes our prayers to become nevertheless prayers. He desires our prayer for direction and guidance to be a cry of surrender fueled by a Faith that says, "I trust You Lord." At the heart of our prayers He desires, not a whisper to be directed away from our fears and failures, but a cry to be sent no matter what the cost.....because we know that in HIM we don't have to fear, and there is no failure.
What is the secret to this kind of relationship that leads to these kinds of prayers? Being still, instead of rescuing ourselves when faced with fear and failure. I have heard the verse, "Be still and know that I AM God" more times this weekend than I have all year! But this is the key! As we face our troubles and tribulations, we learn to trust His will and what He allows when we stand still and give Him freedom to rescue us. The more we experience this reality, the more our prayers become prayers of faith, trust, and surrender, instead of prayers of fear and self-interest. That is why Jesus could say "nevertheless," and endure the unimaginable out of obedience to a Father He trusted with all His heart, soul, and mind.
Will you decide today to begin this new way of praying by letting Him have total control of your life and will? It could make all the difference in your Monday!
Make Mondays Matter,
~Pouring my life out in worship, like Costly Oil~