“Therefore, let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober.” ~1 Thessalonians 5:6
As Believers, I notice that we often want to remain blissfully ignorant or avoid anything that is not easily explainable in Scripture. But if WE can’t explain it, how and why do we expect those without light to know and explain it, Biblically? We cannot be blissfully ignorant or passive and still try to lead those in darkness into “the marvelous light.” Jesus called it, “the blind leading the blind” (paraphrased). Folks who sleep on truth love to do so because what they are doing feels good and they don’t want to change. Let’s not be those folks. Let’s love truth and light, even if it means we also have to change.
Choosing to stay in darkness about what God has clearly illuminated is not the move in this season. We are to always be sober, watching for ways to illuminate truth (and lies), warn of coming destruction, and win souls to the kingdom. It doesn’t always have to be in that order but this is what sober living, as a Believer in Jesus Christ, looks like.
With Great Expectation,