"There was a man named Jabez who was more honorable than any of his brothers. His mother named him Jabez because his birth had been so painful. He was the one who prayed to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and expand my territory! Please be with me in all that I do, and keep me from all trouble and pain!” And God granted him his request." 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 (NLT)
So must we be honorable with what we do with our gift of influence, including how we use it, and how/whether we allow others to manipulate it. It is a disgrace to God for us use our influence ignorantly or recklessly. It is prideful to use our influence presumptuously or selfishly. And it is poor stewardship to allow the influence God gave US to be manipulated by others for THEIR self-interested purposes.
If God has given you influence (and He has, even if it is over none but your own household), be very careful of how you use and allow that influence to be used. With the immense impact of Social Media on the world, it is becoming easier by the “friend/follower” for people to try to take what God has given you, and use it for their own purposes.
Be a Good Steward/Honorable with every Gift/talent God has given you: Make sure others respect and Honor the God who gave you your influence by ensuring that they,
1. Connect with you honorably on Social Media, and
2. Use your influence in ways that line up with the statutes of God
I pray we all have influential Facebooking/Tweeting/Blogging, and may The Name of JESUS always be honored and made great when associated with OUR name! Amen!
God Bless,