“from whom” : Who is Christ, the Head
“the whole body,” : The entire body of Believers, Christians, Christ followers, flows from and is attached to Christ, the Head
“joined and knit together” : This phrase has the implication of unity in the sense of putting pieces together in order to make one whole. We are all joined to one another based on our connection to Christ.
“by what every joint supplies,” : But we are unified and become truly one Body based on what we each individually contribute to the whole.
Let’s use the analogy of a physical body from a couple of lessons earlier in 2016. What happens to a physical body if one joint, organ, bone, ligament, or muscle does not grow to full maturity? Right. That one function is not the only thing affected. Its stunted growth affects the entire body.
We all must be connected to Christ, but shockingly, that is not enough. This passage says so! It is not enough to just have a relationship with Christ. We must be connected to one another - both contributing and receiving nourishment - in order to grow into full maturity; and, also to help the entire Body of Christ to function in a unified, healthy manner.
Friends, you are important. You are vital to my success as a Christian. What God has gifted you with is necessary for His will to be done on earth. Don’t limit or diminish your value in God’s eyes or His plan. You are needed! Invest in whatever God gave you. Invest in your own spiritual growth, so that God can use you to the fullest. We ALL need you at your best!
Seeking to Grow my Walk with God and Others,