"We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character…" Romans 5:3-4(a) (NLT)
In chapter four of his book "Crazy Love," Francis Chan gives a non-exhaustive profile of a "Lukewarm Christian." He provides many character traits whereby we can evaluate ourselves. In summary, he basically says that lukewarm Christians have questionable character in general.
My thought today is that our greatest character traits are revealed at times of adversity. When things get dire and tiring is when we see whether a person’s words and actions are one and the same. Anybody can stay the course when the course is easy, green and fruitful. But life is not always that way. Those with character will stay the course, even if they have to cry, crawl and carry others along the way. Intention is only useful and valid if it empowers the possessor to follow through when given the opportunity. Otherwise it (intention) is only dead air, like static: a lot of noise with no signal/connection to a clear channel. That clear channel is called character.
Sometimes we proclaim upstanding and enduring character, but we pray, and do everything in our power to ensure that we never have the opportunity to prove it, fearing we may be found to have “Low Signal,” or worse still, found to be “Off The Air.” If the opportunity, supposedly, never comes, WATCH OUT! We are probably avoiding opportunity; or, making excuses for our refusal to make action and words sync up.
When intention is plugged into character, we find our path littered with opportunities to follow through! But instead of embracing the opportunity to let who we are shine, we often take the low road of ignorance (hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil), and/or good intentions (i.e. my heart is in the right place...btw ever read the quote "The road to hell is paved with good intentions?"). Our every thought and intention is evaluated by God; and, He will make CERTAIN that we have the opportunity to honor what we have spoken and/or intended.
The result of enduring such great testing, and standing by what we say we believe and who we are, is that crowning glory called character. It is the ultimate fashion companion, the classiest article of clothing, the brightest jewel in our crown! Character speaks for itself. There is no greater glory for a Woman of Purpose, than to be clothed in character!
Let us all Make Monday Matter by putting in a request for an extreme makeover from our Creator. And don't worry, Character is ALWAYS in season!
~Pouring my life out in Worship, like Costly Oil~