Fall is my very favorite season of the year. This is the time of year when I first begin looking forward to what's on the horizon for next year, and what the past nine to ten months labor has reaped. But this year, since Fall has begun, I have found myself doing less reflecting and strategizing, and more sowing. My conversations with The Lord about my situation led me to the focus of this blog.
I began to understand how easy it is for us to become disoriented and discouraged by some of the places, positions, and relationships we find ourselves in, simply because we don't understand the purpose of those things. I began to feel discouraged because of much sowing and no visible result. But as I sought God, He helped me identify the one thing I was not considering: The purpose of this season in my life. This season of sowing is exactly for that purpose...to sow. In our microwave, IM, and on-demand society, I had rolled over my expectations for immediate gratification into my spiritual life. But the purpose of the sowing season is not to reap, but to sow. Reaping comes in it's own season! Understanding this truth, makes enduring this season of my life joyful! Not only because I love investing in and praying for others, because it can be exhausting at times, especially as a mother. But also because just like the farmer who carefully plans his seed, and strategically sows it, I can joyfully reflect on my diligent investment and expect a fruitful harvest in due season!
That's my story, but what about you dear reader? At times we all have life circumstances that we have misunderstood or forgotten the purpose of. Sometimes we forget the purpose of a relationship, so we use it in a way that God has not intended. Sometimes it's a task or assignment that has turned into something other than what God originally instructed. What about our possessions? More than anything else, we Believers make the mistake of thinking that the sole purpose of what we have and earn is for us to provide for us. But Christ is our provider! So for what purpose has God given you your possessions?
Anything we use or perceive in a way that is contrary to its purpose, will ultimately end in misuse, abuse, and loss. If I use my lawnmower in a way Honda did not intend it, someone could get seriously hurt. If I spend my time at work in a way my employer did not agree to, I could lose my job. But if I clearly understand and operate according to the purpose of each, I will enjoy the benefits and pleasure of these things in my life.
So how do we find the purpose of who and what is going on in our lives? Ask the Creator of all things! Develop a closeness with God through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray. Listen. Obey. There is really no secret formula. If you do these things, in this order, I give you my word you will begin to walk in purpose in every area of your life!
May this season be filled with joy and expectation!
~Pouring my life out in worship, like Costly Oil~