"May He send you help from the sanctuary,
And strengthen you out of Zion;"
~Psalm 20:2
- Zion was a fortress; a place of strength, protection, and safety. ~2 Samuel 5:6-9
- Zion was a high place; a mountain. ~Psalm 48:1-2
- Zion was a place God chose to meet with His people. ~Psalm 87:1-2; 74:2
- Zion was a place God set apart for those He chose and love. ~Jeremiah 3:14
- Zion was a place of refuge for His people. ~Joel 2:32
So if we have the living God of the universe living inside us, how are we doing/being in the areas above?
Are we a walking talking pillar of strength? Are we living in the Spiritual high places? When people meet us, do they sense we have God’s presence engaged with and in us? Does our life reflect that we are set apart for God's purpose by His great Love? Is it clear that our refuge and hope lies in the One who lives in us, and not the security and status quo of society?
As a Believer, no matter what our stage of growth in Christ, we have Him living inside; but, being strong like Zion, metaphorically, comes from living in a constant state of communion and closeness with God. Throughout the Old Testament, scripture constantly reminds God’s people of the great work He has done, and desires to do at Zion. Will you receive that promise?
May we daily seek to become everything that God has promised for His dwelling place.
Victorious In His name,