I have noticed that those of us with less than perfect present circumstances, can frequently find ourselves bullied or embarrassed into silence concerning our testimony. We may have great Love for Christ, faithful works, and a deep seeded Faith in His promises, but because our Love, works, and Faith have (seemingly) delayed yielding the fruit God's Word promised: observers interrogate or criticize us; and, we ourselves may fall into doubt. Our Christian walk may not be fully surrendered, and like many of the Biblical Men of God before us, we may even shame the Name of Christ. But a perfect and sin free life is not what God uses to ensure us an overcoming walk in Christ.
Even in my darkest days as a Believer, I never allowed any challenges to my personal walk seal my confession of Faith in Jesus Christ, The Son of God. I wavered and compromised; I even stopped praying altogether for a long period of time...AS A BELIEVER! Yet, I am convinced that, my confession, "the word of my testimony," was the foundational element that kept me holding on to God's Grace. My refusal to deny: 1. The deity of Christ, 2. My eternal Salvation through HIS Name, and 3. My faith in the power of God to work in my life, held onto me even on my most painful and shameful days.
Don't let the scorns of unbelievers, or even the righteous rebukes of Spirit led men and women seal your lips! Repent as necessary, forget those things which are behind, and make the Name of The Lord GREAT "by the word of your testimony;" and, soon enough you will find yourself walking as an overcomer!
God Bless,