Operating in Order
“Your commitment to follow God's plan makes a difference in the atmosphere in your home and improves the climate of your marriage.”
~ Elizabeth George, A Wife After God's Own Heart: 12 Things That Really Matter in Your Marriage

God desires to be the 1st priority in our lives, then our spouses, children and homes. For women maintaining this order is difficult enough. Throwing a personal career in the pot makes this gumbo even thicker.
I remember when my husband and I were married 10 years ago it was all about us. We showered each other with attention, gifts, love and words of affirmation. Two years later came our 1st child and boy did things change. My usually wonderfully calm husband sternly reminded me several months after the birth of our baby that he was "still" there and needed attention too. After this conversation and later reading an awesome book titled "A Wife After God's Own Heart" I knew I had to make a change. Doing so has made all the difference.
When we operate out of order we make room for chaos and drama to enter our lives. How can we pour into our spouses and expect healthy, loving relationships when we are not pouring into our own spiritual relationships with God first?
I know first hand the ramifications of being out of order. Most of the financial issues, relationship concerns, and personal feelings of doubt and self worth in my life can be attributed to me operating out of order. This is not to say that struggles have not arisen even while attempting to maintain balance and order. Life does happen... But the woes of daily living have nothing on the drama that has happened from me operating out of order.
Although it can be tough I challenge you as you move forward this year to make "order" your mantle. Nourish your spiritual relationship first, acknowledge and pour into your mate, nurture, love and parent your children, then work on developing the career of your dreams. Having healthy and happy relationships is possible but we must do all things with balance and ORDER. Try it. I guarantee you won't regret it!
Until next time...
"Assisting Others on Their Journey Towards Peace, Healing & Recovery!"