Like the life of a caterpillar, that sheds the skin of its previous existence several times before even entering the cocoon, may we embrace change and not live too attached to the existence we have created in the moment. There is no way a caterpillar could enjoy the benefit of greater endurance, and the refreshing of its existence due to a new skin, without shedding the old skin. It cannot keep the old and reap the benefits of the new. Additionally, it would never make it to the other side of the cocoon without embracing that "letting go" process.
God never called us to be comfortable or complacent. Comfort makes us lazy, and complacency makes us indifferent. Let us live passionately, seeking God daily for whatever He may call us to. And may we shed, willingly, everything necessary to move on to where He's taking us matter how far or uncomfortable it may take us from where and what we are used to now.
With Great Expectation,