“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” ~Matthew 25:40(b) (NIV)
#Givingpoint Number One – Giving is not just about money. If you were to read the entire parable Jesus shares in Matthew 25 (verses 31-46), you will read that Christ rewards multiple ways of giving and serving. Giving is more about what we do with what we DO have, not about what we don’t have. Some of us may not have a lot of money to give, but we may be able to serve in the form of cooking meals, cleaning homes of those who are sick or invalid, or writing letters to those who are lonely, shut-in, in prison, etc. Some of us may not have a lot of time, but we can send money to missions, invest in a small church start-up or Christian business, pay rent for one or more months for a single parent. But having a “little bit” of money, or a certain “disadvantaged” status, still does not have to be a reason not to give of our finances. I knew a single parent who would give gas money each week to a young single teacher so they could get to church and work. This first point is about meeting the needs in front of us in whatever way we are able. Don’t ignore needs, meet them with what God has gifted you with/lent to you.
#Givingpoint Number Two – Whatever we do with what God has gifted us with/lent to us, we do for Christ. Let this sink in for a moment: “[W]hatever you did for one of the least of these…you did for me.” ~Jesus
This is not complicated. It’s so simple it needs almost no explanation. If you’re wondering who “the least of these” is, just think about anyone you know who has less than you. Less freedom, less joy, less love, less food, less ability, the list can go on forever. If you have it, give it. If you can’t give it, share it! If you have come to the point of resolving the trust issue, then you know that it is impossible to give and not have God take care of you…especially if you are giving TO HIM! He will not be indebted to anyone, and He is not lacking of anything. He WILL repay! So GIVE! And get some #GivingGoals*!
I’m praying for you…
With Great Expectation,
*What are #GivingGoals? #GivingGoals are goals we set for ourselves, family, business, church, etc., that stretch us to meet or exceed previous acts of giving and/or service. This concept was first dropped in my spirit a few years ago when my pastor challenged the congregation to give more in the coming year than we had the previous calendar year. I took that challenge to heart and watched God help me exceed my goal. Pastor asked us to challenge ourselves to give 11% of our income instead of 10. That year I gave 12%...while making less money than I had the year before! I caught on to something I have never looked back! So get you some #GivingGoals along with all your other goals, and watch God make it possible for you to do more than enough.