“Do not neglect the spiritual gift within you...”
~1Tim. 4:14a (NASB)
Sometimes Greatness can be less obvious in the individual when God's design for us is bigger than a single life, our own. This level of responsibility requires heightened awareness and diligent perseverance of our God given purpose; and an exceptional level of humility in submitting to the purposes of God. Let's take a look and an example!
We hear stories all the time about physically or mentally handicapped persons doing great things and making a difference in their communities. We hear of children saving lives. We hear of minorities and the disadvantaged making great impacts on the world at large. We hear of the “under-educated” redefining the way we live. Many of these events were not meant to create a "name" for themselves. They came about by many simply following their passions or instincts. Many more came about through the world’s most desperate hours of need and tragedy, simply by being or doing what comes naturally. These "labelled" individuals somehow find ways to consistently see beyond their individual life in order to display something greater than personal ego: humility enough to live a life or conduct an act of Greatness!
Here is one of my favorite examples:
A former pastor of mine would often tell the story of how his mother was focused and intent on being the great mother she was, and how she left her mark on the world. No matter what she endured, she was determined to raise her four boys with all of the God she had. He shares in one of his sermons how her entire purpose for living was to be the mother God designed her to be. Some may see this as a thankless job, especially since today she is not even able to enjoy the fruit of her labor because of her severely diminished health. Yet she accomplished her purpose with Greatness and the world has been changed through the life of at least one of her sons as a result. And the testimony of her life has encouraged thousands of mothers all over the country, and the world. The humility she showed in giving herself over to the gift of motherhood, with God as her Guide, became her Greatness...and her legacy!
Friends and readers, no matter how basic or how complicated the call, we can make a wonderful impact on our world! So if your blinders have fallen off or gotten weak over the past two weeks since we met, tighten them up!!! We are on our way...still defining what the Greatness of God is in YOU!
To my sisters in Christ
Elect Ladies indeed!
You represent the church of God
And those He send to follow and feed
Your words, your walk
Your work, your worship
Your gifts, your creations
The ministries you birth
You are the full representation of God
And His Christ here on Earth
I love you, I'm praying for you
And I'm always in your corner
Your sister,
"Run Your Race"
I have put the blinders on
I am coming around the home stretch
Finally the race has come down to
the battle between what I have accomplished
and what I am capable of
I have never bet more on the latter
Risking it all has never felt more right
The goal never more in sight
Throwing off weariness, discouragement,
distractions has never been more vital
I'm running my own race now.