“Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” ~John 9:3-5 (NIV)
Fall came in quickly but I was prepared ahead of time and made sure to give the boys their preventative arsenal of fall medications/supplements early. This fall the preventative measures didn't work as well as I wanted them. This has not been the best fall season for their lungs and noses with the alternating cold and warm weather patterns. They have been ill off and on since the beginning of September until present. We are back to the constant visits to the PACS (Pulmonary/Allergy/Cystic Fibrosis/Sleep) Clinic, Urgent Care, and Pediatrician offices.
I've been frustrated, tired, not understanding how this change in health could have happened, and down and out feeling sorry for myself. Well guess what…no one likes a pity party so Friday night I prayed and asked God to forgive me, vented to Him about the boys constant illnesses and then switched gears to pray a prayer of faith despite what their health appears to be in the natural to the One who gave me a promise of healing in my sons bodies. Come to find out from watching a Christian interview after my prayer that I had prayed a prayer from John 9:1-6.
The power of God will be seen in my children. One thing we do have is the promises of God given to us throughout the Bible and they will take place in our lives!!! I just wanted to share a quick message of hope, faith, and holding on to the promises of God during some of the hardest challenges and situations of our lives. God is there and He even gets down in the dirty situations of our lives and brings in healing water by the power of the Holy Spirit to bring healing to our bodies…what a message!!!
Until our next meeting God Bless You,
Lakeisha Howell