Humanity needs Christ not only for their death, but also for their life here on earth. The biggest mistake Believers make is thinking that all they need is fire insurance (assurance of being saved from Hell). That is definitely a big one. After all, life on earth is infinitely minuscule compared to eternity. But the greatest witness to the power of the Cross, and Salvation through Jesus Christ, is not just a confession of faith. Neither is it isolated to the preachers, teachers, evangelists, prophets, etc. who stand publicly before crowds with an image of Godliness.
The greatest testament to the power of Salvation lies within the masses of us lay folk who, if we lived our day to day lives in an overcoming, purpose-filled, intentional, Fruit of The Spirit-filled, impacting manner in the midst of unbelievers and Believers alike, could signal the return of Jesus in a week! Why? Because millions wouldn’t be waiting around for someone to send or instruct us. Millions wouldn’t be waiting for the preachers, teachers, pastors, and prophets to go and win the nations for Jesus. The power [of God] and example [of God] overflowing in the lives of millions would not be able to be contained. The progress we would see in our collective Salvation Walks would look much like what Jesus did in THREE YEARS of ministry, a million times over! THAT is what it means to live “God-like.” Although he was both God and man, He was ONE being who did everything His Father instructed Him to do. And those three years of work changed the world! Imagine what God could do with a nation of millions walking, progressing in a godly manner, with the life of Christ living in them! I’m in awe just thinking about it!
Like I said at the beginning of this blog, we will get into the how part of progressing in a godly manner as the chapter goes on. Today I just wanted to emphasize why we Believers, great and small, should make Ephesians Four such a priority. Imagine an army of Believers all over the world…as they walk, everything and everyone in their path gets touched by the Gift and power of God operating in their lives…and they never stop progressing! Imagine it…and then take steps to become a part of that image!
Seeking to Grow my Walk with God and Others,