As my pastor always says, “Sin will take you further than you want to go, cost you more than you want to pay, and keep you longer than you want to stay.” That basically summarizes parts b and c of Ephesians 4:19.
You may ask, “Wait, how do you, Dawn, go from “Failing to grow in our walk with God” to “Sin”?” The answer is very important and true: When we are not growing in our walk with God, we are intentionally or unintentionally allowing sin to remain active in our lives. The only way to truly and effectively combat sin is to grow closer to Christ, and connect stronger with God’s people. It is nearly impossible to keep sin out of our hearts and lives without God’s help. And if we are honest, we don’t even recognize sin in our lives until we begin to grow closer to God.
Furthermore, Scripture tells us that Jesus stands knocking at the door of every heart...that includes the Believer who is not in communion and fellowship with Him. God is always trying to draw us closer. Refusal to respond to God is sin and rejection. Rejecting God’s advances, will only lead to more sin, which leads to excess, which leads to…yeah, you see where we are… Almost every evil act under the sun can be summed up to greed or uncleanness. It is not only the end result of sin, but it is the foundation of evil itself. Sin makes its journey full circle, beginning and ending with greed and uncleanness.
Let us fight bitterly against apathy, indifference, and complacency in our walk with God and others. Let us strive to keep sin fighting for victory; let’s not just lay down and let it win! The key to all of this is to GROW UP in Christ!
Seeking to Grow my Walk with God and Others,