One of the biggest challenges among women seeking destiny is being...not following, not imitating, not envying, but BEING a Woman of Excellence in all things...especially ministry. Whether our ministry is raising children or teaching them, exhibiting excellence will make the difference in the rise and fall of that ministry. Why? Because not being a Woman of Excellence in our endeavors will cause us to be overlooked, passed over, and to miss out on opportunities DESIGNED to elevate us! Are you a Woman of Excellence? If your answer is no, here are a few first steps to take in order to begin changing your character: 1. Start TODAY by keeping your word at least 80% of the time. If you have to carry around a notebook with a list of your obligations to help keep you accountable, do so! Write down and check off every time you keep your word. At the end of each day, at least 80% of your list should be checked off. When you can not keep your word, you must force yourself to contact the person you are obligated to and share your sincere apologies and explanation. Congratulate yourself each day, because it is rare to meet someone who keeps their word so consistently! 2. For ONE YEAR, thirty (30) days at a time, do more than is expected in whatever you do. PERIOD. Even if it is something as simple as staying an extra five minutes late, or coming in an extra five minutes early. Do something everyday, for 365 days, that is above what is expected; and, above what you are being paid for! 3. Say thank you more. It sounds simple, but saying thank you often serves two purposes: a). Thank you lets people know that you are aware and grateful for them and their investment in you. This subconsciously gives them confidence in your ability to manage what is being invested. People who don't say thank you appear entitled and lazy...and ungrateful of course! | 3. b). Thank you improves your outward demeanor and image. I don't know about anyone else, but it is almost impossible for me to say thank you without a smile...even if I'm typing it! A smile gives you a positive and confident image. People are drawn to such a person. This allows you to connect and share your purpose! The Lord has a great and worthy plan for your life! If you have not received Christ as your Lord and Savior, please take a moment to say this prayer: "Lord Jesus, I believe You are truly the Son of God. I confess that I have sinned against You in thought, word, and deed. Please forgive all my wrong-doing, and let me live in relationship with You from now on. I receive you as my personal Savior, accepting the work You accomplished once and for all on the cross. Thank You for saving me. Help me to live a life that is pleasing to You. Amen"* Now it is time to get on the path of purpose! How can we help you? Send us a note of inquiry and we will be happy to pray with you or provide resources to help you stay accountable to Christ, AND your pathway of purpose. God Bless, Dawn~ *Taken from Sept. InTouch Devotional InTouch Ministries, Inc., Atlanta, GA |