"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
John 3:16 (NKJV)
Now...let’s be honest…Jesus spent much of his earthly ministry giving, in some form or fashion: words of life and wisdom, encouragement and inspiration, food and provision, healing and humility, and greatest of all, Salvation. Based on what we know about this Man who changed the world, and based on this month’s focus verse, would you agree that there aren't many other occasions in life when we are most like Christ than when we are givers? Some, probably. Many, probably not. And what better occasion to focus on the greatest Gift He gave us, than the month we celebrate His death, burial, and resurrection?
God gave the best He had to give: His Son. The Son gave all: His life. Not just his living on earth, where He sacrificed all the comforts and conveniences of heaven, and a life of luxury on earth where He could have easily claimed His rightful position as the True King of all kings. But He humbled Himself to a criminal’s sentence, and endured execution and death, although He was innocent. Then God supernaturally raised Him from the dead after three days in the tomb. All this took place so that He could destroy the power of sin, death, and the grave; and, so that we could live free from the fear and condemnation of all three. The greatest thing God gave us is the gift of Salvation, and the greatest gift we can give others is the message of Salvation.
So get you some #GivingGoals, and make sure to include the message of the Gospel at the top of your list of things to give! I’m praying for you…
With Great Expectation,
**Do you want to know about this gift of Salvation? Email me, and I will be happy to share the Gospel message and pray with you personally.