“Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.” ~Proverbs 4:23 KJV
When the bible speaks of the heart, it is not referring to our physical organ that pumps blood throughout our body. Rather, the heart consists of your mind, will, and emotions. The condition of our heart affects the way we think, and it also plays an important part in our decision making.
I will be transparent with you for a moment. At the age of 13, I was told that the man I thought was my father really wasn’t. At that very moment, a seed was planted and that seed grew bigger and bigger, and before I knew it, I was battling with myself internally. That seed caused me to feel inadequate and not wanted. I began to think something was wrong with me. Unaware of the tricks and schemes of the enemy, I started to accept the lies the enemy was bringing to me. I told myself something must be wrong with me because what father denies his child? I found myself searching for love and attention in all the wrong places trying to fill a void. My heart was tainted and I didn’t even realize it until later on in life. Because of my “heart” condition, I began to live out of my “emotions” and my choices were based on how I felt inside—not what was right. Mind you, at this time of my life I was ignorant to the word of God, and I certainly didn’t know that I had an adversary that wanted to abort the purpose God placed in me before I was formed in my mother’s womb.
What some would call a “small seed” caused me to go through a vicious cycle of dead-end relationships with men that were not good for me; they certainly didn’t have my best interests in mind. I didn’t even know my own value at that point in my life, so I allowed things and situations to occur that a person with a healthy heart wouldn’t have allowed. It took reading and applying God's Word, The Bible, and allowing the Word to heal my “heart” from those past hurts to realize that my “heart” had been malfunctioning for many years following the planting of that one seed. Additionally, because I was accepting the lies of the enemy for all of those years, getting in the Word caused me to realize that I didn’t see myself as God saw me.
It is so important that we fill our hearts with the Word and be very cognizant of what we allow in our eye and ear gates, because they can have a major impact on our hearts. For instance, I am a music fanatic and I love all types of music. I found myself having to be cautious of the music I would listen to because I found myself reminiscing about old relationships and events when I heard certain songs. Certain ungodly desires then began to arise from certain songs!
Think of your heart as a sponge—it absorbs everything and it has no filter. It is up to us to be the filter and be cognizant of what we allow in our hearts. Today, I encourage you to search your hearts and go to God in prayer. Ask that He reveals to you any dark areas or even any areas that may need healing from something—past or present.
~Toca Montgomery
I am once again pleased to introduced a strong Woman of God to our team of writers for this weekly inspirational blog! Toca currently works in the finance industry, and is pursuing her degree in the same. Please help Angela and I ans we welcome Toca to make Mondays Matter! Welcome Toca!!! D~