"May He remember all your offerings,
and accept your burnt sacrifice.
Selah" ~Psalm 20:3
Offering and sacrifice, first and foremost are commandments. Is it enough just to know "it is written"? To obey these commands certainly results in reward. Is blind obedience enough to be remembered by God? Let me give you a tip that you can begin to see results from immediately: To obey with a sacrificial heart and right motive results in really getting God’s attention.
I have found, and believe scripture concurs, that mechanical obedience is not the goal of God’s commandments, the same way the desire of a parent giving instructions to their child is not only for compliance. When we give our children instructions, the ideal is not that they simply follow the instruction (although that is important and has a reward within itself). We also want our instructions to be understood, well received, trusted, and done to the best of their ability. Such is also the case with our Heavenly Father who is Adonai: Both Lord and Master.
A cheerfully obedient and trusting Child of God will get God’s attention and keep it. The way they have obeyed will bring blessing and favor. Their sacrifice and faith will always be rewarded. Their prayers will be answered. They will find all they have need of in every one of their darkest hours. They will never be forgotten in their time of temptation, trouble, trial; although there may be much of each!
Want to get God’s attention and hold on to it? Examine not just your acts of obedience, but how those acts are executed. 1 Chronicles 28:9 says, “the Lord searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts.” These words were spoken by the writer of Psalm 20, King David, to his son Solomon as an instruction about having the right heart and mind in obeying God’s commandments. May we all remember these words for our own lives and endeavors as well!
Victorious In His name,