Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do. ~Joshua 1:8 (NLT)
The only way I can account for both of these extremes existing in the same time and space is the fact that I can say with all honesty and humility, that I held onto, focused on, and trusted God's Word and His promises with unusual resolve. And I endeavored to ACT on all of the above if I had even a small favoring of the Grace of God.
I don't believe in New Years' resolution, and as a result I have never made one in my entire life. But if I could choose one ACTION plan for the next year to call a "resolution," I would choose to trust God and His Word even more than I did in 2012. And that is my exhortation for all of you readers.
For all of the great dreams we have for ourselves and our family, the God-given plans and pursuits we will put into action, and the expansion we have envisioned on the horizon, how much and how often we trust God is the crux of the definition of a successful season. Trusting God and His Word is what increases Grace and favor when man gives us a negative diagnosis and rejection. It is what increases strength when the road has truly been long and dim. It is what increases Hope when we cant see His Hand or His plan. It is what increases confidence when you look around and no one is standing by your side. It is the only thing that can manifest to the world: Christ-like fruit, Faith, character, vision, and miracles in the face of steadfast challenges.
So in 2013, resolve (if you must) to trust God and His Word more. Simply take Him at His Word. Act on the Faith that His Word is enough, and that your Faith-filled ACTIONS will net a harvest that is nothing less than supernatural. Make a pact with yourself to not only hear the Word this year, but to put in the Faith and works to act on it, and to make it a lifestyle. Start with sermon #1! Decide right here and right now to make a stoic effort to, 1. hear with a sincere heart, 2. study the application of the Word, and then, 3. apply it on a consistent basis.
Young people, start with the book of Proverbs. Your life will change and you will have good success!
Also see the following blog for great encouragement along this same vein: