Entrepreneurship is not an easy thing. There are a number of different qualifiers that can be put in front of the word ‘entrepreneur’ to make it even more specific: woman, young, minority, foreign, local etc. All these qualifiers are relevant to the society in which I live and present just as many opportunities as they do challenges.
The reality is all entrepreneurs have their successes and their challenges. Due to the nature of my business, I often find myself working with other entrepreneurs who are hoping to strengthen their skills in specific areas in order to be able to propel their businesses to higher levels. I absolutely love doing this. I also absolutely love when I am working with women and we get to the inevitable conversation about work-life balance.
Work- life balance is often spoken about like it is something to be achieved, when in reality it is an on-going process...or battle. I am starting to get a handle on what work-life balance is for me. I say for me, because what my definition of work life balance is will likely be different to yours. This is in my view the first step to getting yourself on the path towards a balanced lifestyle.
Part of work life balance for me is making sure I take the time to make ‘small investments in the right places.’ I have borrowed this term from Nigel Marsh, who has a fantastic Ted Talk entitled: ‘Work Life Balance is an Ongoing Battle.’*
*Some adult content may be unsuitable for children under 13
1. Have an honest debate
2. Face the truth
3. Be careful with the timeframe we choose upon which to judge our balance
4. Approach balance in a balanced way
So as I finish off my day early to take my daughter to Sapidilla Bay, one of the most beautiful kid friendly beaches in Providenciales, I am quite conscious of the difference that small investments can make and I am reminded of the famous Voltaire quote, “God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well.”

"Small Investments in the Right Places" was originally published on Mrs. Robinson's personal blog Turquoise Balance, dated April 24, 2014.