In last week’s verse he compels us not to live as unbelievers because the mind of our former, unbelieving life was filled with futility. This week he gives us one reason more reason not to live as unbelievers: Since they, unlike us, don’t have a relationship with God, they don’t know any better.
Because we DO have a relationship with God, we are connected, embraced into Life that comes from Him, and have Light poured into our minds and emotions. We know how to live a life pleasing to God. And more than that, we know that the power to live a life pleasing to God comes by Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ. This is the true Light that illuminates our entire mind, will, and emotions. This is the Light we are called to walk in daily.
If there is one thing to take away today to Make Monday Matter I suggest to you this: Let's put away excuses. We have all we need to live in the Light and Life of God!
Seeking to Grow my Walk with God and Others,