From this moment on I challenge you to really delve into the passages we are studying throughout the summer, and seek God to show you the value in sitting under those who teach in wisdom and righteousness. If you don’t have a church home, I challenge you to begin seeking God daily to lead you to a place where you can grow and give! If you are not growing where you are, ask God if you can be the catalyst for growth! My point is this, don’t stay [physically or spiritually] where you’re stuck! It’s time to GROW UP!
Last week’s passage suggested that the work of the fivefold calling, work of ministry, and edification of the Body of Christ must continue on until we all, each of us, every predestined Believer in Jesus, comes to 1. The unity of The Faith and 2. Unity of the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
This week we examine the rest of Paul’s thought along this same vein...
3. A perfect man: This does not mean without fault or sin. This word is originally defined as: Mature.
4. The measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ: That’s a mouthful, so let me put it another way: The level of growth that reflects that we have the fullness of Christ. We walk in His commands and promises; we live out His character and compassion; we see life through His perspective; we act the way He acted; we believe what He believed; we expect what He expected. In short, we keep growing until our lives become a reflection of His life.
These four points above indicate what the work of the fivefold calling, work of ministry, and edification of the Body of Christ leads to. Next week, and through the month of August, we will talk about why we need to GROW UP.
Seeking to Grow my Walk with God and Others,