About six weeks ago, a sweet spirited, white-haired, senior adult lady named Alma Briggs approached me while I was working at church, and began to share the gospel with me in a very unique way. After some fellowship about the goodness of God, she began to tell me about how she and her deceased husband had worked in the accounting field their entire lives. It was through this line of work that they came up with this unique witnessing tool that, with her permission, I would like to share with you today.
Friends and readers, if you do not yet know The Lord Jesus as Savior, or if you have yet to make Him truly The Lord of your life, I pray that the following will compel or convince you of the great price that was paid for your freedom. Would you not willingly accept a free gift if someone were to offer to pay all your tax debt this April 15th, and free you forever from the IRS??
Accept the free gift of Salvation and surrender today! How great it is to know that my sin debt has been paid and that account now has a zero balance; but my righteousness account is overflowing because He has deposited HIS righteousness into my life through the work of the cross!! I am now "approved and delivered!" All I had to to was accept it!
Will you make Monday matter by doing the same?
Praying for you,
~Pouring my life out in worship, like Costly Oil~
The following was developed and written by Mrs. Alma Briggs, and is re-printed with her permission.
Who invented bookkeeping terms? GOD DID!
We had a DEBT we could not pay! "The WAGES of sin is DEATH." (Ezekiel 18:4, Romans 3:19 & 6:23)
God became a man so He could pay our debt for us as our REDEEMER. (Job 19:25, Romans 3:24, Galatians 3:13)
REDEMPTION is the act of paying our debt in full. (Colossians 1:14, Ephesians 1:7)
FORGIVENESS is the result of the debt having been paid in full. (Ephesians 4:32)
Forgiveness is the acknowledgement that the debt has been PAID IN FULL. (Colossians 2:13)
When we accept His payment, we are RECONCILED to God by the death of His Son. (2 Corinthians 5:18-19)
RECONCILIATION means that we agree that God has paid our debt in full! (Romans 5:8-10, 2 Corinthians 5:18-19)
(When we reconcile our bank statement, we just check to see if we and the bank agree. Now that our debt of sin has been paid in full, we have a zero balance [debt] in our own account.)
We cannot boast of any righteousness of our own, because we have no personal righteousness! (Romans 3:10 & 23)
So God then JUSTIFIED us by depositing His righteousness into our account; (Romans 3:21-26, 4:22-25 "It is the righteousness of God, which is by faith.") just as He deposited our sins into Christ's account at the cross. (2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 Peter 2:24)
WHAT A DEAL! If we ignore, neglect, or reject this awesome deal that God, in love and grace, has offered to us through the death of His only begotten Son, then we must pay that debt ourselves! How foolish is that?!?
Questions? Please feel free to contact Alma Briggs through our Contact Page or [email protected], and your questions and comments will be forwarded to her.