The word needy does not only refer to monetary lack. You don't have to be financially poor to be needy. There are millions of people needy for Love, needy for a friend, needy for a listening ear, needy for a shoulder to cry on, needy for a word or act of kindness, needy for a smile, needy for a hug, needy for a prayer, needy for a phone call, needy for joy and laughter, needy for your time, understanding, mercy, justice, needy for an example and experience of God's Love for them.
So guess what? Even in the three days before Christmas, you still have plenty of time to give the gift of the Spirit of Christmas to dozens of people you meet: at the mall, at the restaurants, at the movies, in the grocery store, at the hair salon, and yes, even at church. This Christmas don't let a single "needy" person pass you by!
Make the rest of this Monday Matter by getting started right now!
~Pouring my life out in worship, like Costly Oil~