“…putting on the breastplate of faith and love,…”
~1 Thessalonians 5:8(b)
In this month’s scripture reference, the Apostle Paul finishes his directive for “us who are of the day” to not only be sober, but to also put on the breastplate of faith and love.
The word “faith” relates to a “conviction of the truth of anything.” This type of faith requires us to act out our convictions. James said that “faith without works is dead.” When people are convince of a truth, it is almost impossible to separate their actions from their belief. It’s why you often hear people say, “actions speak louder than words.” Folks can say they believe anything under the sun, but behavior follows belief.
The word “love” is our old familiar term “agape,” or charity. Agape is unconditional. It has no emotional investment; therefore, it cannot be swayed by emotion, situation, or circumstance. It is steadfast.
John the Apostle wrote in one of his epistles that “God is agape (love).” This is not to mean that God has no emotions or has no emotional attachments to us, His creation. Scripture tells us this about God’s emotions for us:
- “The Lord your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.”
- “Jesus wept.”
However, God simply cannot be moved by His emotions to stop loving us. Even in His discipline, it is 100% motivated by His love for us.
From our hearts come faith and love, and every vital aspect of who we are should be guarded by both.
With Great Expectation,