But I also recently began reading, "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl" by Harriet Ann Jacobs and have been reminded about the long history of humanity's struggles for professional, personal, and financial independence. Being reminded of the Black Slave's ambition to be free, I reflect on their ingenuity and persistence to found, develop, and prosper businesses with much less resources and liberties than I have today. And they did it!!! Many were desirous only to purchase their children in order to keep their families together. Many wanted to purchase their own freedom. The price, effort and time invest was severe and very often manipulated and undermined by their oppressors. I feel shame at my petty complaints, frustrations and excuses, as real as they may be...
And yet what I don't feel ashamed at are the real and tireless effort, time and persistence, and great price by which I HAVE extended to purchase my own and my children's SPIRITUAL independence. The spiritual bondages and legacies (i.e. inherited steryotypes, behaviors, tendencies) passed on from previous generations are powerful and familiar; and, the struggles to destroy them and create a new legacy are formidable. Much of the time it seems like we are doing it alone, and our enemy and the world are all working against us to undermine our progress. But such is the calling and destiny of all visionaries...
I struggle daily in all of these areas, being the sole owner of every title associated with making professional and familial (legacy changing) history. Im learning and growing everyday, but the effort is taking its toll. May this jewel shine like The Son, and my He be uniquely reflected in all of my harvest. May God continue to help us all!
"Every Individual has their own brand of suffering surrounding their personal pursuits. Embrace yours; for your pursuits are worthy and have value just as much as the next person's" ~DLB