My Relationship With My Words/Writing
"Here I am | Take my life |
I give myself, I give myself to you"
~I Give Myself Away by William McDowell
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I try really hard to avoid including personal experiences online, but this one really bothered me. I want to address it because I'm concerned about how people view what I do, and my motivation. I need to be clear about both. A week ago someone made a comment that was so shocking that I felt cold water had been dumped on me. They said, "I was looking for a scripture or something to post on social media, because you know that's what good Christians do." I wish I could say that I understand what this person was trying to say, but the truth is that I don't. I have no concept of doing something, anything, just because I'm a good Christian and it's what good Christians do.
As I said, I need to be clear about what my motivations on social media and the use of other communication tools. I really hate that some Believers have become so jaded or common where Christian principles are concerned, but I am not that person. It breaks my heart and brings me to tears even as I type. Costly Oil, and every word I share is just that, the costly oil that has been stored up from my work and worship, like the sinful woman and the five wise virgins alike, and poured out for The Master's use. Every word typed is a sacrificial work of obedience and Love for The Lord and those whom He may send to read it. This ministry is not common or habitual or ritualistic for me. It is worship pure and simple.....
~Pouring my life out in worship, like Costly Oil~
"But I will rejoice even if I lose my life, pouring it out like a liquid offering to God, just like your faithful service is an offering to God. And I want all of you to share that joy." ~Philippians 2:17 (NLT)