"Some trust in chariots, and some in horses;
But we will remember the name of the Lord our God."
Psalm 20:7 (NKJV)
As we look at the next portion of Psalm 20:7, let’s consider horses. "...and some [trust] in horses...." If chariots of old can be compared to resources of today, horses in Bible days can be compared to power of today. Actually, I think horses are still compared to power. (How many "horses" do you have under your hood??) It’s is interesting that the main comparison to horses of today can be (and often is) seen as a reflection of human power. But what other sources of power do we trust in today? I won’t step on toes or make a list. What some people look at as powerful, others see as shackles. Only you can decide for yourself. The point here is the same as our last blog. Is there anything on earth that makes you feel powerful, or that you look to as a source of power that you trust in more than or equal to God?
Let’s think about it, confess it, and talk about it if you so desire. Next week we wrap up this favorite verse of mine talking about the One True Source who is all powerful.
Victorious In His name,