"Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm." ~Ephesians 6:13 (NASB)

I sure do appreciate all you have done for my family, myself, and our nation! God Bless you for your selfless sacrifice! Dawn~
It's Veteran's Day Friends, and what better subject to introduce than war? Today is the preview of a new project that I've developed and will be releasing as a pocket sized, daily, Spiritual Warfare journal. From day to day, we deal with a variety of circumstances that wage war against our Love, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control. Usually, it's something different every day. Sometimes not. Either way, we have something to combat on a daily basis, and God has given us all the tools for success! This unique journal/devotional is designed to help us put on the whole armor of God on a day by day, situation by situation basis through Biblical: TRUTH, study, meditation, and affirmation. And the great thing is, you can start this when the battle starts, whether it is at 8am, as soon as you get to work, 1pm after that difficult client lunch meeting, or at 8pm after a frustrating night class. **Pocket Protection is in no way intended to replace daily devotion and starting the day with prayer, study, and putting on the whole armor of God.**
What is battling for your Fruit today?
Today's Truth (Ephesians 6:14) - The Belt of Truth is what holds everything else in our armor in place. If we lie to ourselves, or believe Satan's lies, everything else will be weak at best. Be honest about what's going on inside you, but also be truthful about what you know: What did God say about your situation? Write it out here:
Today's Righteousness (Ephesians 6:14) - The Breastplate of Righteousness guards our heart from hardness and sin. A life of righteousness is what keeps our heart clean and pure before God, and free from Satan's penetration and tainting. What acts of Righteousness can you perform, in word or deed, to counteract how you feel, and line up with the TRUTH above? Write it out here:
Today's Gospel Peace and Security (Ephesians 6:15) - The cleats on our feet give unshakable confidence because of an understanding of scripture that brings peace and security to our circumstances. Research, study, and gain revelation understanding of at least one verse that deals with your TRUTH above, and brings peace to your heart concerning your circumstance. Write it out here and memorize it:
Today's Faith Affirmation (Ephesians 6:16) - The Shield of Faith is specifically referencing a "With God ALL things are possible," and an "I can do ALL things" type of Faith; designed to be linked with others in Christ who will stand WITH you in this same level of Faith, in order to silence the lies of fear and doubt. What verse or personal affirmation can you use to remind yourself...100 times a day if necessary...that NOTHING is too hard for God, He WILL do it, and He can NOT fail or lie? Write it out here:
Today's Salvation Declaration (Ephesians 6:17) - The Helmet of Salvation guards the mind, and it also identifies us as a member of The Body of Christ, separating us from the world. There is much too little covering over the minds of God's people these days due to television, internet, and music. Somethings simply should not be a part of our ongoing mental diet as Believers. They desensitize and outright conflict with what should be going into our minds, and the reflection of Jesus Christ. Negative thoughts also bombard our mind based on what we see and hear about our circumstances. In what way can you guard your mind from un-Christ-like, un-Biblical mind input, and outright negative thoughts? How can you train everything that comes into your mind reflect the truth that says, "I am a Child of God"? Write it out here:
Today's Penetrating Word/Verse (Ephesians 6:17) - The Sword of The Spirit is The Word of God. When Jesus was being tempted in the wilderness, He used the Word of God to Silence Satan. But He didn't choose just any verse. He used Scripture that specifically addressed the temptation He was dealing with. Satan had no response, he was defeated. This is the same type of power we have today with our Sword, The Word of God! Know it, memorize it, and use it strategically! Find a verse (or more of course) that directly crushes and silencesthe attack you are dealing with today. Write it out here:
Prayer (Ephesians 6:18) - Finally Friends, pray about it - Diligently keep watch over you heart, mind, and spirit to guard against subtle cracks in the fabric of your armor! Prayer seals it all in place, and fills in the gaps! Now, as our Make Mondays Matter writer Angela Bates always says, let’s SUIT UP!!!
I'm Making Monday matter by standing with you in Faith, on the TRUTH of God's Word, praying for you in the Spirit with all kinds of prayers and supplications!
To order your advance copy of "Pocket Protection" at an amazing introductory price, go to the below link. Enter Coupon Code FAST5 (Code is case sensitive), and receive 5% off of your purchase. Simply go to shopcostlyoillp and place your order. Thank you for your usual support!
*The "Pocket Protection" name and outline are the Intellectual Property of Costly Oil LP and Dawn L. Bedingfield, Inc., taken from the "Pocket Protection" Devotional Journal written and designed by Dawn L. Bedingfield, Published by Sky Blue Daisies PUBLISHERS. All Rights Reserved. Blog photo used courtesy of Google Images.