"May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble;
May the name of the God of Jacob defend you;"
~Psalm 20:1
Dear God in heaven, I believe that You are real, You created me and love me, and that You have a plan and a purpose for my life. I want to know You and Your love for me, personally. I believe that because of my sin, I am separated from You; but, because of Your love for me, You sent Your Son Jesus to come from heaven to live, die, and be resurrected so that I can live free from and forever forgiven of sin, and spend eternity with You when I die. I believe that Jesus is the true Savior for the world, and accept Him as my personal Savior. I accept You as Lord of my life. Now help me to know Christ more, and to live a life pleasing to You. Thank you Lord, in Jesus’ name. Amen
NOW we can praise God and continue on with a wonderful yearlong study of Psalm 20! You see He is not Jehovah M'kaddesh (The Lord Who Sanctifies) for me alone. If you’ve just prayed the prayer above, He wants to be, and will become your sanctifier as well. How do I know? Because when I first prayed the prayer of surrender, I thought I had to do all the sanctification work myself until I was introduced to sanctifying GRACE. Now, I can no longer take credit for the sanctification work in my life. It has been the One whom I have truly made Lord of my life and Salvation who continues to make me more like Him. The same goes for you, so you too can pray the below prayer of praise and petition with me:
Lord You have been my sanctifier. You have given me Your Word and Your grace that have made me new; different from my old lifestyle and from the world. You have set me apart as one of Yours. May the difference of You in me, defend me and vindicate me. May it be my banner and guide; and give me victory in the day of trouble. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Now let’s go forward with praise in expectancy!
Victorious In His name,