…the Apostle Paul is urging Christ Followers not to walk in the way of their former lives…in the way of unbelievers, who have weak and wrong mentalities; and their entire dispositions fail to represent the Light of God because 1. They don’t know God, 2. They willfully resist Truth and Light, and 3. Their rejection of God’s Truth and Life have made them callous toward the things of God…
Well this week’s passage makes the first of two scathing accusations against those who walk in the way of the unbelieving: They have no self-control; they have instead completely and willingly given control of their lives over to excess, shamelessness, filth, and unbridled lust.
Let me just tell you something, a person who has no restraint in their actions, desires, or conversations falls into one of three categories: 1. An unbeliever, 2. A new Believer, or 3. A Believer who is not growing. Failing to grow in our walk with God will inevitably drag us past willful ignorance, to callousness, and eventually into all out excess! And that excess is accentuated by uncleanness and greed, which we will discuss in two weeks.
In Paul’s words from two verses ago, we are urged to intentionally move past all three of the above categories of spiritual growth. Again, this command is tied closely to our close connection and submission to the leadership of Christ, and our working together with each member of the Body of Christ. For more insight into that, this is a great blog that explains the importance of growing in Christ.
If you fall into category number one above, I ask you to join me in becoming a Christ Follower. What is keeping you from making Jesus your choice? Email me, and let’s talk about how you can make Him your choice today! Blessings!
Seeking to Grow my Walk with God and Others,