How is your vision for this year? What’s in your heart and spirit? What’s on the horizon for you, your family, your career, your ministry?
Here at Costly Oil, you may have noticed is that our theme has changed for the new year. Our new theme is: Psalm 20, God’s Great Name. Although this is a passage I have already begun, and am looking forward to continuing to delve into with God’s help, I want you to know that this year’s studies will be less in-depth than in the past couple of years. This is in consideration of new opportunities in which God has blessed. I hope this will be a blessing for you in that our blog will begin to once again look more like a blog, with less to digest, and faster to read; but filling nonetheless. A brief overview of 2017 MMM looks as follows: Beginning next week, we will study one verse a month from Jan-May and Sept-Dec, with the summer months off (A summer study will be determined at a later time through prayer). Each week will build on the month’s passage/verse to discover, reveal, talk about, praise, and exalt the greatness found in who God is and what it means to have Him on our side! I AM SO EXCITED!
Personally, I am in a very special place of increase promised by Jesus in this week’s reference passage. It is a reality I have seen God faithfully work out in my life, little by little, time and time again, as I simply acknowledge Him and obey. The level of increase opening up in my life for 2017 has come with great battles (some that are still smoldering from the fight of 2016, smoke trying to attach itself to the visions of 2017), fought and won and abandoned to the past as I look and walk confidently toward what God has established for me and my family. These spiritual battles were brought on in the face of prayer and obedience to trust and believe God for what He said He will do for His glory and my good. So in spite of the fight, you can understand how and why I stand victorious and joyful; and why I can look to all God is doing in confident hope: HE ALWAYS CAUSES US TO TRIUMPH!
Last year God did many new things in my life, and yet today I can say that for what God has spoken for 2017, I have never been stretched to such a level. However, I know that as I stay intimately connected and hidden in my Lord Jesus Christ, the promise of this week’s passage will continue to be a reality in my life, home, career, and ministering. I pray that we all experience this reality time and time again.
I would love to hear about what’s happening in your life, now and as 2017 unfolds. Have you seen this week's passage manifested recently for you? Please share as we embark on a new year, and a new journey!
Looking forward to all He will do in 2017,