"On the seventh day God had finished his work of creation, so he rested from all his work." ~Genesis 2:2 (NLT)
As of May 2013, there are 155.7 million workers in the United States over the age of 16. According to MSN.com, Labor Day actually has its roots in Canada, with a movement to shorten the average workday from 12 to nine hours. On June 28, 1894, Congress passed a bill making Labor Day a national Holiday after the employees of the Pullman Palace Car Company in Chicago went on strike on May 11, 1894, which resulted in a national boycott and deadly resistance.
Since then, additional laws for workers included adopting a five day work week to accommodate Jewish workers who wanted to observe the Sabbath, and an eight hour workday. Labor Day was also the first designated recurring Monday Holiday.
But from Scripture we see that “Labor Day” has it's roots much further away, and has a much Greater Author! It actually goes all the way back to the Beginning! Labor Day or the Sabbath Day, was God's idea! It is His original plan not only to give humanity a day of rest, but to also give them a day to take inventory, pride, and pleasure (enjoy the fruit of) in their labor, just as He did in the Beginning!
We here at Make Mondays Matter pray that you rest and enjoy your Labor Day! But we also pray that you take some time to take inventory, pride, and pleasure in all that you have accomplished with your hands so far this year!
What a great day to Make Monday Matter!!
God Bless,