~1 Samuel 15:17 (NLT)
As an extreme introvert, one of the people in the Bible I have learned much from is Saul, Israel's first king. Like him, I can be shy, and was an extreme "people pleaser" at one time. No matter how much, or little, I have to speak publicly, I get extreme dread, sometimes sick, and am always physically drained for at least a couple of days afterward. I could see myself, as Saul was, hiding in a closet among my clothes when Samuel came calling to anoint a king for Israel! "ANYBODY BUT ME, LORD!!" would be my screaming thoughts!
But what Ive learned from Saul may not be what most people would think of. I have learned the biggest tragedy about shyness, and the way to avoid it.
The biggest tragedy about shyness is seeing oneself in a mirror and not through God's eyes. Saul saw himself small in his own eyes, but God saw him as a man worthy of leading His chosen people. Someone strong physically and spiritually, fearless and a mighty warrior. The Lord saw Saul as a man who would become a friend of God, following His commandments and living as an example of Godly leadership. So although Saul was physically strong and attractive, had a great reputation with the people (mainly because he was a people pleaser), and a valiant battle record, God regretted His choice in Saul. Why? Because instead of seeing himself the way God saw him, Saul never could quite come to the place of assuming the fullness of the calling God had for him. So he continued to allow his shyness and insecurities lead his choices until they became a stronghold for him, and an abomination to God.
Had Saul saw himself the way God saw him, he would never have doubted a single command. He would never have questioned whether to obey God or follow the people. He would have taken the most irrational risks to follow God's simplest instruction. He would have been as bold as a lion, fearless as Leviathan, surrendered as clay in the hands of a potter. Had he saw himself the way God saw him, he would have kept his inheritance and his legacy would have been established forever instead of cut off. His shyness would have become a testimony of GOD'S power in the face of a severe human challenge!
So here is the tragedy: Being led by shyness (or any human nature) instead of God's direction, will always lead to rejection.
The way to avoid such tragedy is: Having God's perspective of who He called us to be PLUS humble obedience, leads to boldly assuming the position in which He has placed us. This level of trust and surrender pleases The Lord and commands His blessings!