"The end of a matter is better than its beginning" ~Ecclesiastes 7:8a (NIV)

1) speech, word, speaking, thing
a) speech
b) saying, utterance
c) word, words
d) business, occupation, acts, matter, case, something, manner (by extension)
This year-end I would like to bring our focus to the very last usage: d) business, occupation, acts, matter, case, something, manner.
As you all know by now, I am passionate about purpose. I am passionate about purpose because I lived most of my adult life, full of untapped potential and completely ignorant about that potential. I know many of you are like me, also passionate about purpose. However, the focus verse above makes a clear claim: no matter what God has spoken about us, our vision, or our destiny, no matter how many times we start, if we don't make it to the finish line, then we have not truly succeeded.
I admit to being guilty of starting an endeavor [or two], writing out the vision, praying and planning, but then just leaving it for a later time. I honestly don't know what that "later time" is! Maybe when I have more money, when my children are older, when I'm older, when I'm not so busy, when...when...when...! But in this hour, God is pouring out a unique Grace on those whose hearts are pure; and, who are available and willing to become His vessels. He is giving out special favor for us to not only see and write the vision, but to see it through to completion! He is pouring out the creativity, wisdom, resources, and connections that will allow us to complete the "thing" He has "spoken" into our spirits! In those situations, we can not allow pettiness, distractions, discord, or even persecution diminish our focus!
If we have to get away, take a consecration, turn off the phone, and any other spirit drainers, we must press our way past "writing it down and making it plain." We have to press through to finishing the matter, whatever that matter may be! (Reflect on the definitions above and you decide!) Press through to casting all your care on Christ, and hear from Heaven about the next step. Press through to focusing your eyes on Christ not the situation, and take that next step!
So you see where this is going...where it's always going this time of year when you hang around me: Take some time over the next few weeks and make an inventory of what has been started that needs to be finished. It's not too late! What are those one or two good works God spoke to you, or started in you, that need to be dusted off, final touches added, and then polished up? How about just finishing up the final details of the vision you've begun to put on paper?
Whatever it is, don't let 2013 end with more things started than finished! Ladies we are women of excellence, and more than that, we are Women of God, which means we always have all the Grace we need in order to "do ALL things through Christ who gives us strength."
Praying that you finish this year, and that you finish well! We're Making Monday Matter!
God Bless,