"If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead."
~James 2:15-17
After spending thousands of dollars just living and eating, I was desperate to find any form of work when I landed on a job that was run by and 95% of the workforce was 20 something year olds. Many of them were college students. Talking to them and over hearing their stories, I found that something as basic as a good meal, or even a basic lunch, was often an enviable commodity for these lively young people. And I could relate! Having to live in a hotel for a month with the closest thing to a home-cooked meal being the hot and filling breakfast being served daily (Shout out to the Country Inn and Suites Coralville, IA who took amazing care of us!), you quickly realize the value of a real, sit down, home-cooked meal.
How is the subject of giving related to these experiences? Our focus passage from the Book of James in the Bible hits the nail on the head. The last sentence in the passage can also be interpreted as, “If your faith does not move you to act when a situation calls for action, then your faith is not real.” Giving is an action, and so is cooking. My challenge to us all is to be on the lookout, or better yet, make an opportunity to provide a home-cooked meal for someone this month. 20 somethings are the easiest targets because they often don’t make a lot of money or have any savings, and they usually don’t know how to budget the little bit of money they make. Single parents are another easy target, just because money is often always tight, and they are always tired. Cooking can be a chore with little (or big) ones running around your feet. Can you think of any other groups who could always use a good home-cooked meal?
Let’s not neglect the needs we see right in front of us. Food is not a luxury, so let’s not allow anyone in our sphere of influence feel like it is one. Make sharing a meal with someone regularly one of your #GivingGoals today!
I’m praying for you…
With Great Expectation,