My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
~Galatians 2:20 (NLT)
I understand what the critics are trying to point out: we all have a choice and take some part in the results of our choices. But what they don't understand is that for many of us who can't help but give Christ so much credit, we have no choice. You see although I don't know myself as well as God does (see: Jeremiah 17:9), I know myself better than any human does. I have lived with myself longer than anyone else has. Only I know every single thought, motive, and emotion that has ever been birthed from my heart or mind. What you think you see in me is still not a mirror image of my private world. But who and what I am today is TRULY transformed, FAR greater, MIRACULOUSLY changed, from who and what I was ten years ago.
And what I know is this:
My willpower didn't do this...I gave that up a long time ago.
My knowledge didn't do this...I couldn't have planned this reality if I had a map!
My wisdom didn't do past choices prove that I had none!
There was only one thing that I intentionally added to my own transformation, and that was prayer. As a result of prayer, God's Mercy and Grace have been the daisies that have bordered my path to a transformed life! And the life I now live is ONLY through Faith in The Son of God who Loved me and gave Himself for me!!!